Now that the tiles are all done we have been busy with milk pourers, money savers and vases. Spent all day in the workshop today making my mould (3 piece) of the pourer. Long process. Tiring process. Dirty process. I now sit here with burning eyes and nose and a throught that feels like it's on fire- guess i don't take too well to the plaster! It was fun though. A good day. Here's how it went...

This is my pourer/ jug (whatever you want to call it). Foam model. Base for plaster mould.

Building up the clay on the sides for the first half of the mould.

First half plaster poured..

And dried!

Sara and I- look how tired i am. Gosh.

Svana getting help from Anna

Making my 'keys'.

Susanna and Svana looking very excited!

Busy days in the workshop..

Nice dirty feet at the end of the day..